Walking Like Jesus Ministries
“Walking Like Jesus Ministries is the Bible-teaching ministry of Larry McCall, focused on helping Christians understand in very accessible, practical ways how the gospel of Jesus shapes life’s most crucial relationships and responsibilities.”
In this revised edition of Walking Like Jesus, Larry McCall provides a challenging but easy-to-read handbook helping Christians to better understand what it means to walk as Jesus did. McCall lays out 14 character traits of Jesus' life, and he explains how those traits can and should be reflected in the daily lives of Jesus' followers
What or WHO, does Christian maturity look like?
Many Christians really do want to grow spiritually. A common question they ask is, “What does Christian maturity look like?” Interestingly, the way that question gets answered can vary widely from one Christian leader to another and from one denomination to another. Maybe a better question would be, “WHO does Christian maturity look like?”
Well, Christian maturity looks like Christ! God’s Word says, “Those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son” (Romans 8:29). Walking Like Jesus Ministries exists to help people on that quest.
WLJ Ministries is committed to teaching God’s Word in simple, practical ways that honor Christ and help His people see how the gospel makes a significant difference in daily life and relationships. It brings us great joy to help people see how to apply the gospel in the daily contexts of one’s personal walk with Christ, in marriage, family life, the local church and life in this fallen world.
Want to Learn More?
If you are interested in having Larry come speak at your local church, conference or retreat, or just want to learn more about WLJ Ministries, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Commonly requested topics for conferences & retreats:
Gospel-Centered Marriages
Helpful for engaged and married couples of all ages.
Loving Your Wife as Christ Loves the Church
A Great topic for men’s retreats.
Gospel-Centered Grandparenting
Applying the gospel to the ministry of grandparenting.
Walking Like Jesus Did
Helping the ordinary Christian live an extraordinary life centered on Christ.
Servant Leadership
A 4 to 8 hour interactive seminar applying biblical truths for leadership in the home, the church, the school and the business world.
Here We Stand: The Reformation Solas for Today’s Christian
Simple but crucial theology in five sessions.
Larry McCall also speaks on Humility in Ministry, The Fear of God, Jesus: The Great I AM and other topics. If you have questions or are interested in a topic not listed here, please let us know!
What others are saying about Larry McCall as a speaker & author:
“Larry McCall provides timely guidance that is unapologetically biblical and profoundly practical.”
“Larry is a very gifted author and speaker and, equally important, a humble servant of Christ and His church. The messages achieved that delicate balance between conviction and encouragement—a real blessing!”
“Larry is a man of God who knows the Word and understands so very well how to apply that Word to needy sinners saved by grace.”
“Months have gone by since he was in Hong Kong, and we continue to see people discussing and applying the biblical truths taught us by Dr. McCall. Personally, Dr. McCall has acted as a gentle, truth-speaking role model; I could not say enough about Dr. McCall and the brief, tangible, Spirit-led impact he has had on our church body. The teaching in his books and life is both theologically rich and intensely practical.”
“When he speaks, Larry McCall is as biblically rooted, Christ-Centered, practically helpful and engaging as he is when he writes. God used Larry’s gifts and approachable style to effectively reach the hearts of men, resulting in one of Bethlehem Baptist’s most impactful men’s retreats ever.”
“Not only was his material engaging, it was theologically sound and peppered with personal stories and experience. His style and delivery put our conference guests at ease and welcomed interaction and engagement.”
“As a proclaimer of God’s word and truth, Dr. Larry McCall’s passion for Christ and his humble, awestruck reverence for the Most High God come out in so many ways. He is a careful exegete and gives the true meaning of the text. But to actually hear him is to be in the presence of a soul on fire with love for His Savior.”
If you'd like to speak to any of the above references personally or still have questions about how WLJ Ministries can serve your needs, please let us know!